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amitymilieu damitie blog
11 feb. 20221 min läsning
Assisted to die
We're pro assistance to die as we know way too much about the research. We have in our hands heaven or hell but can't use an off button...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
28 jan. 20221 min läsning
The meal
We're finishing the smörgåsbord with a sallad of fruits. We then check up on the fruits that they're ok. There should be one orange wedge...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
14 jan. 20221 min läsning
During 40 years the daughter has done research in astrology. Now we've all been through a course in astronomy and astrology. The preach...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
15 okt. 20211 min läsning
Th fall of a woman in late ages is difficult to handle. In the vase Mother nature takes 1/3 glycerol and 2/3 water to stay beautiful.
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amitymilieu damitie blog
12 okt. 20211 min läsning
Gravity won over the breasts of the daughter. Here the eight folded road with what's left. The daughter adds right speech as mathematics....
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amitymilieu damitie blog
23 mars 20211 min läsning
Our prophet has been in a discussion about Eden and invasion. She thinks that western people invade Eden where we destroy more than...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
2 mars 20211 min läsning
Nuclear power or not
Our prophet hates nuclear power. She thinks it's neither sustainable nor safe. We as we follow the development of energy supplies is more...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
12 feb. 20211 min läsning
To care about technology
We've been to a course in environmental ethics for engineers. It says you should care about your AI and other things in technology. We...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
6 nov. 20201 min läsning
On vegans
We don't just eat vegan food. We think the animals should die a quick death and not a long cruel one. We eat most vegetarian and fish....
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amitymilieu damitie blog
30 okt. 20201 min läsning
Rätt tal right speech
In buddhism rätt tal and right speech should be the same. We've studied ethics under Dr Lars Samuelsson who prescribed taking care of...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
29 sep. 20201 min läsning
Atheists listen!
You atheists often refer to science as something you believe in instead of religion. To be a student in science doesn't convince you God...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
4 sep. 20201 min läsning
Atheism vs theism deism and on...
We believe discussion about evolution vs creation should be treated with both of them works. We can't see why God shouldn't be capable of...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
24 juli 20201 min läsning
Being threatened
In case of being threatened and above all your children being threatened the daughter has taken the most of it. But here there's another...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
10 juli 20201 min läsning
Right speech
At the eightfold path you have a circle the way it should. The step for the right speech should be considered to involve mathematics as...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
10 juli 20201 min läsning
The covenant
Both Jesus and our prophet have taken care of both nature and human beings. We have to have a covenant between nature mother nature and...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
29 maj 20201 min läsning
By Echo
When the daughter was a little kid she went on a bicycle ride with her parents. They then suddenly saw a family of elks standing by the...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
15 maj 20201 min läsning
Ta livets seger krans
En hygglig medelsvensson kommer till himlen ät . Ät dolphinsafe tonfisk med lite creme Fraiche tomat och vitlök. Så att inte fisknätet...
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amitymilieu damitie blog
15 maj 20201 min läsning
Upgrade yourself
Make a better version of yourself.
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amitymilieu damitie blog
17 apr. 20201 min läsning
On the altar this week
It's an outdoor plant. But this is IT and it can handle a day or two indoors.
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amitymilieu damitie blog
13 mars 20201 min läsning
During corona we've served parts of the smörgåsbord. We started with snacks and beer. Then the dessert: apple orange and 🍌. We believe...
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